Introducing HRManagement New Canada scenario! Available for Fall 2024.

New HRManagement Canada Scenario


Discover our newest HRManagement scenario! 

We are excited to announce a significant update to HRManagement – a Canada-specific scenario. This new scenario aims to provide a more contextual and relevant experience for students studying HRManagement in Canada. Review our key updates below!
To review all the resources and sample games, please login with your Faculty Access and go to HRManagement-Canada sample course site! If you don’t have Faculty Access, please request it!

New Incidents

New scenario includes four new incidents that address current HR challenges specific to Canada.

Canadian Terminology

Scenario includes Canadian spelling and terminology, particularly in areas related to safety and accident prevention training.

Diverse Workforce

The new scenario includes demographics for Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities.

Updated Benefits

The base and optional benefits have been updated to align with what is typically available in Canada.

Four new incidents:

  • Mental Health Programs: Addressing the importance of mental health in the workplace.
  • Remote and Flexible Work: Navigating the shift towards remote and flexible working arrangements.
  • Adverse Effect Discrimination: Understanding and managing discrimination in the workplace.
  • Bona Fide Occupational Requirements: Dealing with job requirements and accommodations.

Canadian terminology

  • Occupational Health and Safety Orientation
  • Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention training
  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System course
  • Intermediate First Aid training

Device Frame

Updated Employee Benefits

Changes to the base and optional benefits to more closely reflect what is available in Canada.
Device Frame
Device Frame

Diverse Workforce

Demographics: The scenario includes Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities in the demographics and diversity-related decisions. This ensures that students encounter and learn to manage diversity that reflects the actual workforce in Canada.
Hiring and Retention: The simulation includes incidents that focus on diverse hiring pipelines and retaining a diverse workforce. This includes evaluating and modifying hiring processes to ensure they are inclusive and supportive of diverse candidates.

Review teaching resources and sample games:

Please log in with your faculty access and select the Simulations tab to go to
the HRManagement – Canada sample course site!

Ready to use it in your class?

We look forward to working with you! To get started, please reach out to our team!