Getting Started with Interpretive:
Your First Steps to Simulation Success.
The first step is to get your user ID. Students receive their unique user ID and Password by email from Interpretive Simulations based on information sent by their instructor. In some cases, the instructor will give out user IDs and Passwords directly.
If you are not sure how you will receive your user ID and Password, you should first contact your instructor to find out.
Search for user ID/Password
If you forgot your user ID/Password or you didn’t receive your registration email, you can use our Search Form to have your user ID sent to your registered email address.
Register with a Course Code
If your instructor has provided you with a Course Code, but you do not have a user ID, you can start the registration process by filling out the Register with Course Code form.
Step 2: Log In
Use the login box at to log in with your user ID and Password.
After logging in, you will automatically be redirected to your course’s Interpretive web site.
The course web site is where you will access the simulation and view its schedule. You will also find resources, such as the simulation manual and any electronic documents that your professor might choose to provide, as well as access to our support FAQs and other resources.

Dedicated Support
Our experienced customer support specialists will answer all student technical simulation questions submitted online, within 24 hours.
We ask students to submit questions online in written format to ensure that only appropriate simulation technical questions are asked. This policy ensures there is no perceived unfair advantage to any student who calls seeking game advice. If a student has an issue which cannot be resolved via email, we will personally contact them and resolve the issue.