Interpretive charges an individual license fee for each student who uses our simulation(s) for the duration of one semester; we do not charge a fixed license fee per team or institution. Students are NOT allowed to share licenses.
Purchasing the simulation experience gives the user the right to participate in a unique learning event. Each student or participant must purchase the simulation to take part in the event; or the institution sponsoring the event must purchase for the entire group participating in the event.
We will provide a refund for a simulation license fee purchased directly on our site if both of the following qualifications are met:
We require confirmation from the Instructor of both to issue the refund.
If a student purchases an access code from the bookstore, or one is provided with their textbook, we cannot provide refunds. However, if the student were to take the class again, and they would have qualified for a refund, we could transfer their payment once they use the simulation again, provided it’s the same simulation.
When an instructor chooses to bundle their simulation with a Capon , Brewing a Business, or Foreign Market Entry & Growth eBook, ALL students must purchase access to the bundle (the simulation is not available on its own for anyone in that class). The eBook is available via the simulation course website only (which requires internet access) and may not be downloaded. Your Customer Relationship Manager can provide additional information regarding these.
For the detailed privacy policy, please see our website:
In no event will Interpretive Software, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or its documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The authors shall have no liability for any programs or data stored in or used with the computer products, including the cost of recovering such programs or data. This simulation experience is sold, “as is” and you, the purchaser are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all other, oral or written agreements, expressed or implied.