He is co-author of several books including: Modern Marketing Research, (Thomson), Principles of Marketing (Harper Collins), Marketing Research: An Applied Approach (McGraw-Hill), Promotional Strategy (Richard D. Irwin, Inc.), and Cases in Marketing Management (Richard D. Irwin, Inc.).
Professor Kinnear has worked in marketing management, marketing research, and marketing education consulting. His clients have included: Aetna, American Electronics Association, AT&T, Alcatel (France), Chrysler, Domino’s Pizza, Inc., Eli Lilly, Inc., Federal Trade Commission, General Motors, General Electric, Helmac Products, Kodak, L’ Air Liquide (France), Machine Vision International, TI Group (UK), and Travelers.
He is CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Venture Michigan Corporation, a $200 million venture capital fund of funds. He is a Director and Past-Chair of the Board of the American Marketing Association and former Chair of the Board of the American Marketing Association Foundation. He has previously served as an Academic Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute, as a Director of the Association for Consumer Research, and as the Vice President for Academics and Vice President for Publication at the American Marketing Association. He also has served or is serving as a member of the Board of Directors or Corporate Advisory Boards for several companies and community organizations including: Accuri Cytometers, Inc., Ann Arbor Angels, Avail Networks, Inc., Bard Manufacturing, Inc., BlueGil1 Technologies, Inc., Center For Learning Through Community Service, Domino’s Pizza, Inc., Greenhills School, Helmac Products, Inc., Ecliptic Systems, Inc., Interpretive Software, Inc., Janeeva, Inc., Mobius Microsystems, Inc., Nanocerox, Inc., National Patent Development Corporation, Venture Michigan Fund, Network Express, Inc., Pennaflex Educational Resources, Inc., and the University Musical Society.
He is active in the entrepreneurial community as a co-founder, advisor, angel investor, and Board member of startup companies, including: Network Express, BlueGill Technologies, Accuri Cytometers, Avail Networks, Avidimer Therapeutics, Mobius Microsystems, Janeeva, Nanocerox, and NanoBio. He is also a limited partner in Apjohn Ventures, Arbor Partner Ventures, Arboretum Ventures, EDF Ventures, and RPMVentures. He is a member of the investment committee for EDF Ventures and serves as a special limited partner for Arboretum Ventures.